Let’s talk
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Finland and
Let’s talk more about
Finland and Oats
Let’s talk
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Finland and
Let’s talk more about
Finland and Oats

Our pristine, natural environment is one of Europe’s best-kept secrets (shhh, don’t tell everyone!). It’s an incredible place to grow extraordinary oats.
Oats love Finland.It’s true! It’s no accident that Finland is one of the top 3 exporters of oats in the world.
In the middle of our growing season, we have some of the longest days on earth, with almost 24 hours of daylight. Our oats drink in all that sunshine, turning them golden.
And our cold winters help keep our soil and waters pure, meaning we don’t need to use lots of pesticides or fertilisers.
Throw in plenty of rain and snow, and you’ve got perfect conditions for perfect oats.
And, Finland loves oats!From bowls of steaming porridge to oat breads and our famous Karelian pies, oats are a staple here.
And thanks to oat-based dairy products like ours, oats can now be enjoyed in other Finnish favourites, like cups of coffee, bowls of cereal, and cooking cream.

Wholegrain oatsall the goodness, all the benefits
Gluten-free oatsso everyone can enjoy our products
Naturally Nordica true Nordic superfood
Nutritional powerhousepacked full of beta glucan and antioxidants
Texturehelp us make deliciously creamy products
Good for your heartbeta glucan helps lower cholesterol